Insurance & Financial
January 2024
Producer Newsletter
Feature Articles
Solutions Backed By a Company You Can Trust
Jim Boulware, Cincinnati
Your clients deserve insurance from an industry leader. By focusing our strategy around compensation, underwriting, service and product, Cincinnati Life maintains a strong balance that, backed by financial strength, will serve your customers and policyholders now and into the future.
A.M. Best Co. rates Cincinnati Life A+ (Superior), citing its strong balance sheet, overall good credit quality in its investment portfolio, positive premium growth trends in its core ordinary life line of business and integral role within Cincinnati Financial Corporation. Please visit for our latest financial strength ratings.
New Year, New Outlook
Sam Massey, Sr. , AMG Insurance & Financial
2023 has come and gone and with it brings a new year, a new outlook, and a feeling of hope. The first two weeks in January are your last opportunity to really gear up and get ready for the year to come. January is also the one and only time of the year I wish I owned a gym. There are more new gym memberships handed out in January than any other month of the year. However, by February most Americans have settled back into their daily routines and given up on their resolutions. I hope you haven’t already tossed in the towel on your New Year’s resolutions or on your goals.